Changes to settings in the configuration file
1. Use a text editor to open the configuration file.
Note: After installation, you can find the standard configuration file here: ...\Programs\PTV Vision\PTV Visum 2023\exe\VISUM.cfg |
Entry |
Standard |
Description |
* -E EmissionFile |
emiss.dat |
Emission calculation factors published by the Swiss Federal Department for Environment and Environmental Impact Assessments read in during program start Note You should not edit this setting. |
* -F MessageFile |
messages.txt |
Message file to which error messages are output (Using protocol files) |
* -G GParFile |
Graphic parameters (binary format) for the network display that are read during program start (Reading and saving graphic parameters of the Network editor window |
* -H VersionFile |
Network version file to be opened during program start (optional) (Opening a version file) |
* -0 StdListLayoutPath |
Standard list layout which is read during program start (optional) (Adjusting the list layout) |
* -P PathFile |
std.pfd |
Standard project directories to be read during program start (Opening a project directories file) |
* -R RlsFile |
rls.dat |
Correction factors for different types of road surfaces for noise emission calculation which are read during program start Note You should not edit this setting. |
* -T LogFile |
protocol.txt |
Log file to which records are logged (Using protocol files) |
* -U ProceduresettingsFile |
Procedure parameters read during program start (optional) (Saving procedure parameters to a file and loading them from a file) |
* -C CustomRegFiles |
Path is specified for the provision of user-specific registry files * .reg, which at the start of Visum are written to the registry. When you exit Visum, your user-specific registry settings are saved to the same location, to the following files:
The file contains data for each user and installation, such as user preferences and various settings of the Visum user interface.
The file contains data for each user that is combined for all installations, such as script menu items and the list of recently used files. |
* -D DefaultRegFiles |
Path specification for providing default registry settings in registry files * .reg, e.g. for the provision of a new main vesion of Visum |
* -Y LayoutFile |
Standard layout file that can be read in during program start (Opening and saving a global layout) |
2. Edit the desired paths and file names.
Note: You can enter the file name with or without path/directory. Exceptions are the parameters * -C and * -D, for which no filename is specified. If only the file name is entered, Visum checks the directory currently set for this file type in the Project directories file (Opening and saving a project directories file). |
3. If necessary, save the configuration file to another directory and/or with a different file name.
Note: To avoid overwriting by a program update we recommend to store this file in a folder different from the program folder or to change the file name at least. If, for example, you stored the file together with your project data, you could save all data to archive together. |
The configuration file is saved. If you have saved the file to another directory or under a different file name, you must specify that it is used during program start (Using a different configuration file during program start).
Example: User-defined configuration file
* -E
EmissionFile emiss.dat
* -F
MessageFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\ProtocolFiles\Messages.txt
* -G
GParFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\ListLayout\Layout.gpa
* -H
VersionFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\Version_B.ver
* -0
StdListLayoutPath C:\Projects\Project_xy\ListLayout\Layout.lla
* -P
PathFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\aktdrv.pfd
* -R
RlsFile rls.dat
* -T
LogFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\ProtocolFiles\Protocol.txt
* -U
ProceduresettingsFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\ProcSettings\PrPar.par
CustomRegFiles C:\Regfiles\Visum17\users\<user>
DefaultRegFiles C:\Regfiles\Visum17\default
* -Y
LayoutFile C:\Projects\Project_xy\globallayout.lay